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Personal or Company Branding

Personal or Company Branding

It’s okay to spend some time taking care of your personal brand. If you do, you’ll be a step ahead, since personal branding is underrated by most MSPs.

Nobody questions the value of polishing the company brand, sweating the details in all its public content. But we don’t give our personal brands the same attention. We work in a socially interactive industry. We’re the ambassadors of the service. So what is a personal brand, and how is it different from your company brand?


"Invest in your Personal Brand to stand out from the competition"

People buy services from people, not from companies. Since you’re the spokesperson, take some time to craft a professional media presence. When you buy a new car, the caliber of the service department is going to influence where you shop, not just the brand or model. Your clients also want to believe you’re dedicated too.

Personal branding is great for public awareness, and the consideration phase. Company branding comes into play in decision making and selection. Personal branding is the marketing that leads to a scheduled meeting. Company branding deals with sales, and closing the deal.


Step 1. What are you passionate about?

Why did you get into this business? What about it gets you up in the morning? If you’re motivated to help others grow their businesses, it should show in your public image. Whatever it is, your image should inspire viewers to relate with you. You want to show people how they will benefit from being on board, and what success looks like for them if they stick around. Your audience wants to know if you’re someone they’ll trust in the long run, in order to grow their business faster.

Hint: Your passion is there but might not be recognized clearly without outside feedback

If you’re having trouble putting your passion into words, think about the times that people have told you how grateful they are for what you do. What were they thankful for? Think of all the reasons why someone would be sincerely appreciative of what you offer to them. How does this make them feel? Acknowledging these feelings will help those who read it understand where your motivation comes from and appreciate some of the things which may not seem as important to others but mean a lot more to you.


Step 2: Review your current personal brand for a reality check

Take a thoughtful look at your Facebook page, your LinkedIn profile, the content you have up, and details like your auto-shared vendor content.. Is it consistent, professional, and does it communicate what you believe? Is it populated with all the various services you offer, or is it sparse? Does it include your associates and allies? 

It should make you look approachable, confident, and invested in the industry. It isn’t a resumé.


Step 3: Review your competitor's personal brand for a reality check

Do some research on your competition. Ask the same questions about their LinkedIn profile, and see how in-depth they go with their passion. That will let you know how much impact you can have by spending any time on yours. Personal branding is rare among MSPs.


Step 4: Act on low hanging fruit first

Go update your LinkedIn profile. Again, it isn’t a CV. It should tell your audience what you’re about, your ideals and motivations. Let them know what you’re passionate about and expand on why. Then update your company website (or create one). Make sure to include your team and vendors. These are the people who sell your brand with you.

Hint: Your LinkedIn profile is your Personal Branding Asset not your resume

This is where you can display your thought leadership. Make it about your unique vision, and your personal approach.


Step 5: Act on the long game: thought leadership for business owners

Why are MSPs not leveraging this powerful medium? Looking at your competition you’ll rarely find any real business thought leadership. No youtube videos with thousands of views, no business related webinars or summits - only tech and security. 

Build your presence with content, videos, webinars, and speeches. Get involved in the business community and highlight your efforts. You’ll outshine your competition.

Result: Be perceived as different in your market with your personal brand”

No, it’s not an effort in vanity to polish your public image. You’re here to help, so your audience needs to see you’re the best choice. People trust other people before they trust the company. If you cannot differentiate and show why your prospects should work with you as a person, they’re unlikely to be interested with your company.


On a bumper sticker:

You invest into your personal brand to close more deals faster for your company. It’s one of the most effective and overlooked marketing tools.


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